Nu kan du se EASA:s Season Opener 2021 i efterhand!
Missade du EASA:s Season Opener den 28-29 april?
Ingen fara! Nu kan du se alla tre sessionerna från EASA:s Season Opener på Youtube. Bara att klicka på play.
In normal circumstances, in April we would be welcoming people to our stand at AERO in Friedrichshafen to answer questions from the GA Community and share all sorts of useful information. Sadly, COVID means that AERO is cancelled this year and with so many pilots not having had the chance to fly in the past few months, we thought it would be useful to host a virtual season opener to help us all prepare for the summer ahead.
During the event, you will be able to join these 3 interesting sessions:
Day 1 (28/04/2021)
10:00 – 12:00 CET (UTC +2) – Restarting Safely: All the latest news from EASA and the GA Roadmap, lots of great tips on preparing yourselves and your aircraft for the season ahead with support from our roving news reporters across Europe.
13:00 – 15:00 CET (UTC +2) – Coping with Weather: Although summer is just around the corner, the weather in Europe will be as unpredictable as always. This session will highlight the role of instrument flying with all the latest about the Basic Instrument Rating, landing at non-instrument runways and lots more.
Day 2 (29/04/2021)
10:00 – 12:00 CET (UTC +2) – Airworthiness and Maintenance: Maintenance of GA aircraft is a key part of enjoying flying safely – equipment needs to be operating in the best condition if we are going to reduce accidents and save lives. You will learn more about Part M Light, technician licencing, Part 21 Light and CS-STAN.
Register now and join the discussion in the EASA’s General Aviation Community and also in the General Aviation Facebook Group.
Do you have any questions on getting ready to fly again? Let us know upfront and submit your question already before the event on SLIDO – please ask your question
To join us, please complete the below short registration form by clicking “Next”. Registration is free.
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